Muslim Woman, Mindfulness, Calm, Inner Peace, Self Discovery, Self Awareness, Self Reflection, Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth, Personal Identity Development

Mindfulness as a Muslim Woman: Connecting with the Creation

August 25, 20246 min read

Muslim Woman, Mindfulness, Calm, Inner Peace, Self Discovery, Self Awareness, Self Reflection, Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth, Personal Identity Development

As I write this, I am sat on the floor here on a Sunday afternoon, stretching my hips, typing away in the glorious sun, whilst my youngest lays beside me and the elder two spend time on what makes them happy.

It wasn't always like this, most weekends would start with some sort of arguing about mess, clutter, laundry, time escaping from the working week and school routine. Most of us would be miserable about the to-do list and having to do everything else before the fun could begin.

In Islam, life is considered a precious gift from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, meant to be lived with gratitude and purpose. The Qur'an reminds us,

"And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in vain. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve. And woe unto those who disbelieve, from the Fire!"

[Surah Sad 38:27]

As Muslims, our faith provides a foundation for understanding our existence in this world. By reflecting on our purpose and nurturing mindfulness, we can cultivate positivity and create goodness in our lives.

The more we reflect and ponder about our existence and the signs of creations, the more evident it becomes that there is a greater plan at play, specifically, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's plan. And in that,it becomes evident that all His creation was created for a purpose. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in His innate wisdom created the circle of life; where we our health and wellness lies in the life of His other creation, be it animals, plants or nuts.  

As the same creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala it is our responsibility to also take care of the creation.

His creation makes dhikr and remembers Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in the same way we do.

So just imagine if we were able to start taking care of His creation, what their dhikr and hearts would say about us to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala? How would this circle of goodness begin?

When the birds rise at dawn, they leave their homes with the conviction that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala will provide for them. We are living in a time of struggle; many of us live in countries struggling with inflation and the cost of living is like nothing we have seen before in our lifetimes, Many of us are seeking a way to maximise our rizq and take away the financial burden. As human beings we are so grateful when someone provides us with a way which will help.Imagine then that you become the source of rizq for that same bird by laying out food for them early in the morning? You wouldn't benefit from this in an obvious sense because who knows which of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala's creations had had the food.

Imagine the conversation between that bird and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala, what would it's gratitude look like and where would you be mentioned and how?

Thus begins the Circle of Goodness; putting out kindness and compassion in a world that needs more of it without the expectation of gaining something in return.

This is life is not easy, it's not meant to be, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala made this life as a test for us and the reward lies in the eternal akhirah, where we are striving to get to. Every time we take a step towards goodness and doing something for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala's pleasure, we take a step closer to perfecting our end in this world. We have a responsibility to leave this dunya in the best way we can for our children and part of that is making sure we take care of everything else that exists alongside us.

One of my favourite hadith's of the Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasalaam is where his pulpit was built and the tree he used to lean upon, beagn to weep, the Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasalaam, embraced the tree until it stopped.

A tree with extended roots

The Prophet ﷺ would lean on a tree to deliver Khutbah. The day he sat upon a minbar and moved away from leaning upon it, the tree began to weep and yearn until the power of its love caused the Mosque to shake. The Beloved ﷺ gently stroked the tree with his blessed hand, spoke to the tree with compassion, reassured it, and gave it glad-tidings of Paradise - so what do you think he will do on the Final Day for his lovers and those who honour and follow him?

[Shaykh Mohammed Aslam]

This is a creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala's that will probably outlive us. It has been created with an inherent nature in itself, and we should always be mindful of what testimony these creations of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala could give on our behalf on Yaum ul Qiyamah.

Practicing mindfulness, comes from stillness and too many of us are just too busy these days. Even the way we carry ourselves, the way we walk, talk, recite - it's all too fast.

Slow down sis, what's meant for you will never miss you and what's decreed for you will happen only by the will of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

Stop and pause to recognise the beauty of life around you and the sign's that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala has asked for us to ponder on and you will find peace. Peace exists when we recognise that we are one of many beings and we are under His mercy.

When you slow down, you allow your nervous system to escape the fight or flight mode of constantly trying to overcome or outrun a threat that doesn't exist.

  • You allow for the calm to sweep in and relax your mind, body and soul and in turn the way you think, feel and behave changes.

  • You are more likely to take a breath and discuss rather than argue.

  • You are more likely to recognise that you need a break and take some space instead of reacting.

  • You are more likely to understand that not every action needs a reaction from your children.

Wouldn't this is a wonderful place to be?

Some time ago I had the realisation that this is where I wanted to be, or where I wanted my home to go. I wanted to create happy memories of the weekends, of the home and let the nurture speak up for my daughters so that one day, when they were ready to leave they would look back fondly.

I had the power and the control to change this narrative, seeking the help of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala. I learnt many things along the way and I will in'sha'Allah share this in another blog, at another time.

This led to the discovery that there was so much to appreciate around you when you allowed yourself to slow down, look and absorb the stillness. Naturally, regulating your nervous system, and giving you a hold on the anger, frustration and resentment you so badly want to let go of.

If this blog post has resonated with you, I ask that you share with someone who could benefit and create the sisterhood of support. I share many learnings like this and more wisdom in my weekly email newsletter, you can join >>here<<.

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Zahra is a Personal Identity Coach working with Muslim Women to help build Emotional Intelligence, inspire Spiritual Growth and empower Personal Development. So that you can rediscover your sparkle and who you are, for a happier life with healthier relationships.

The Muslimah Coach

Zahra is a Personal Identity Coach working with Muslim Women to help build Emotional Intelligence, inspire Spiritual Growth and empower Personal Development. So that you can rediscover your sparkle and who you are, for a happier life with healthier relationships.

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